
Drinking Tea to Improve your Health

October 2020, the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology published a report on tea drinkers. Their finding?
Drinking Tea to Improve your Health

October 2020, the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology published a report on tea drinkers. Their finding?

This massive study involving more than 100,000 adults in China over a seven-year period found that regular tea drinkers were at lower risk of developing atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease or of premature death from any cause, especially stroke.

That’s pretty compelling. The same study also found the link was especially strong among “consistent habitual tea drinkers” who drank tea at least three times a week.

Consider adding some team to your diet. After all, three times a week isn’t too demanding. You can buy it ready made so you don’t fuss with boiling water and tea bags, and it’s inexpensive too. By the way, green team was found to have a slightly better affect than black tea. Enjoy!

Here’s the full study:


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