
Universal HealthShare

Statement of Shared Faith and Principles

When Sharing is Caring.
  1. We believe in the inherent worth and dignity of every person, and that a person’s happiness, spiritual growth, and potential to do good for themselves and others is inextricably tied to their physical health, and that each person has a fundamental right to make their own health care decisions, in consultation with their family, physicians, and other chosen advisors, free from government interference.
  2. We believe in peace, liberty, justice, equity, and compassion in human relations, and that we improve ourselves and the world around us whenever we strive to reach that goal, whether or not we ultimately achieve it, and that those things require not just individual, but collective effort and the fostering of a true sense of community that extends beyond familiar boundaries.
  3. We believe in the importance of respecting the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part, and that recognizing that interdependence on a universal level first requires moving beyond individualism and experiencing interdependence on a community level.
  4. We believe in the importance of being open to life’s great mysteries, and that it is a sacred right and responsibility to search for the truth and meaning behind those mysteries, and that the success of such searching requires that we not be isolated and self-centered, but rather that we develop relationships and connect with other people and remain open to their viewpoints.
  5. We believe that the most effective way to encourage spiritual growth, respect for the interdependence of all existence, and the search for the truth and meaning is to participate in a community built on shared traditions that promotes acceptance and support by and among its members.
  6. We believe that we have a spiritual and ethical duty to our family and other members of our community to make responsible and healthy life choices, such as avoiding foods, activities, and behaviors that cause or exacerbate illness, disease or injury.
  7. We believe it is our sacred duty to assist those in need when we have the ability to do so.

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Or call 888-636-7119


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Or call 888-636-7119


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If you have a question about a specific member and/or needs request, please call the number on the back of the member’s UHF membership card.

For more general inquiries, call 877-987-1233.


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Contact - For Agents
Or call 800-921-4505, select option 3