
If You’ve Got Universal HealthShare, You’ve Got Rights!

Every contributing member of Universal HealthShare has certain rights of membership. Do you know what they are? You’ll find them right here.
Universal HealthShare

Every contributing member of Universal HealthShare has certain rights of membership. Do you know what they are? You’ll find them right here.

  1. Receive considerate, courteous service from all employees and representatives of Universal HealthShare;
  2. Receive or have internet access to accurate information regarding program Guidelines and eligibility of needs in both member literature and when in contact with Universal HealthShare;
  3. Have Medical Expense Needs processed accurately once all necessary documentation has been received;
  4. Have all medical records and personal information handled in a confidential manner and in compliance with Privacy Standards;
  5. Be informed about health care practitioners and providers giving discounted services to Sharing Members, when applicable and available;
  6. File a dispute when you have one, without fear of prejudice or reprisal; and
  7. Make recommendations regarding Program Guidelines as part of the annual advisory process.

Want to know more? Read this information and much more in your Sharing Program Guidelines, available from your UHS Member Portal.


Get in Touch

Contact - For Individuals

Or call 888-636-7119


Get in Touch

Contact - For Businesses

Or call 888-636-7119


Get in Touch

If you have a question about a specific member and/or needs request, please call the number on the back of the member’s UHF membership card.

For more general inquiries, call 877-987-1233.


Get in Touch

Contact - For Agents
Or call 800-921-4505, select option 3