

7/20/20 - Please take note: We’ve made changes to your Universal HealthShare Sharing Program & Guidelines

Today we published an updated version of the UHS Sharing Program & Guidelines publication with some content changes to better describe how we are continuing to provide you and your fellow members with health sharing programs. Here’s a short list of the sections that were updated:

xv. Monthly Sharing Contributions
xviii. Notice of Intent to Terminate Membership
xiv. Definitions: Fair and Reasonable Considerations

Also, we have made changes to the Membership card to include additional information for Providers. You can download the new version now from the link here on the portal. You’ll also receive a new one in the mail within two weeks.

On behalf of ourselves and your fellow members of the Universal HealthShare community, thank you for your ongoing participation. And if you have any questions for us, please use the Customer Service number printed on your Membership Card.


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Or call 888-636-7119


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Or call 888-636-7119


Get in Touch

If you have a question about a specific member and/or needs request, please call the number on the back of the member’s UHF membership card.

For more general inquiries, call 877-987-1233.


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Contact - For Agents
Or call 800-921-4505, select option 3